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Am I Pregnant?

Writer's picture: Hope Pregnancy CenterHope Pregnancy Center

You may have a list of weird symptoms and a longer list of emotions to sort through. Your period may be late, you had unprotected sex or maybe the condom broke and now you’re unsure about the future. Today’s blog is about the symptoms of pregnancy, and the emotions that accompany your concerns.

When do Pregnancy Symptoms Start

Pregnancy symptoms can begin as early as one-week post conception. Typically a late period is the first sign of pregnancy women notice, but it’s far from the only. Tender breasts, feeling nauseous, fatigue and even spotting are all signs of pregnancy. Confusingly though, they can also simply indicate your period is just around the corner.

Early symptoms of pregnancy explained

The only way to know for sure is to take a pregnancy test. It's helpful to understand the symptoms you're experiencing by evaluating some common signs. This can help you make a good decision about the right time for a pregnancy test.

Missed period:

The most common early sign of pregnancy is missing your cycle. This usually leads most women to obtaining a pregnancy test. When you become pregnant, you should miss your next period, but it is possible to be pregnant and still have one. When this occurs it is usually much different than a normal cycle with shorter and lighter bleeding than a normal period.

Nausea or Morning sickness

The second most common symptom of early pregnancy is "morning sickness". Normally, for women who experience nausea, it shows up between 2-8 weeks after conception. The nausea doesn’t always go hand in hand with vomiting, and “morning sickness” can happen during any time of the day. Some women associate their food aversions to this symptom as well.

Changes in Breasts:

Swollen or tender breasts can begin around 1 to 2 weeks after conception and may be why it is the third most reported early sign of pregnancy.


During the first week after conception many women experience feelings of tiredness. When the progesterone levels rise and your body begins to make the necessary changes to support a pregnancy it can bring on a wave of fatigue.

Spotting or light bleeding:

If you are pregnant this is typically attributed to implantation bleeding. It is considered one of the earliest signs of pregnancy, but not all women experience spotting. The embryo typically implants into the uterine wall between 6 and 12 days after conception. Sometimes light cramping can also accompany the spotting.

Every woman is different and will experience these symptoms differently. Even further each pregnancy is different and will not cause the same symptoms to be experienced even by the same woman. If you are experiencing any combination of these symptoms, we offer a free pregnancy test so you can be sure. Schedule a pregnancy test appointment here.

Pregnancy Mood Swings

It may surprise you, but stress can cause a wide array of symptoms that could be associated with a possible pregnancy. If you are finding yourself in a particular emotional state, it may be helpful to understand some common reasons this can occur.


One of the hormones you deal with every month is progesterone. This hormone’s job is to support a potential embryo. During your normal cycle your progesterone levels rise just after ovulation and fall about 12 to 16 days later, which brings on your period. High levels of this hormone can make you feel tired, emotional, and can even make you feel like your breasts are tender among other things. Whether you’re pregnant or not, your progesterone levels will rise in your body, and that can potentially account for some of those mood swings.


Just the thought of an unplanned pregnancy can bring on a lot of additional stress in your life. Feeling stressed can cause excessive fatigue, a delayed or missed period, and nausea among other things. You may be feeling concerned with the future, your finances, a social situation, your education or career goals. When your stress levels are rising, they contribute to your distraction from self-care. One of the best first steps you can take is to talk to someone and sort through your situation. If a possible pregnancy is indicated, we offer a confidential environment and lab-quality test, so you can move forward with an informed choice about what to do next. Schedule a consultation here.


Stress and worry can cause many women to experience difficulty sleeping. Lack of sleep has a profound impact on a person’s emotional state and can impact not only your physical health but your mental health as well, which adds to stress and can cause a disruption in your normal emotional state. If this is you, it is important that you take the first step to talk to someone about what you are experiencing. A close friend or family member, a doctor or a counselor are all great options. If you do not know where to go, we are here for you, to help you sort through your situation. Schedule a free confidential appointment and we will get you the referrals and information you need to move forward.

Remember, the best way to know with certainty if you are pregnant is to take a pregnancy test. We offer a lab-quality, free pregnancy test at our center. Our team is here to walk you through each step and inform you of your options should the test come back positive. Our purpose is to empower you with the information you need to make an informed choice. You do not have to go through this journey alone. Schedule a free and confidential pregnancy test today.


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