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Image by Brooke Cagle

Employment Opportunity

Hope Pregnancy Center is looking to fill our executive director position. Our Executive Director is the heart of who we are at Hope Pregnancy Center. We are sad to see our current director relocating to a new area, but are excited for the new adventures that await her there. We are also excited to meet the person God has uniquely gifted to fill this position going forward. 


Executive Director Job Description:

As an ambassador of Jesus Christ, the Executive Director is responsible for ensuring the effective operation of the pregnancy center, including overseeing the administration, programs, budgeting, staffing, and strategic plan of the organization. The director also has the responsibility for managing all routine operations of the pregnancy center in a smooth and professional manner. This includes the training and management of all volunteers and the implementation of necessary programs to meet client needs. Other key duties include fundraising, marketing, media relations, and community outreach. 

For a detailed job description please click here


Some questions you may have about the position:


Q: What are the job qualifications?
A list of job qualifications can be found on the detailed Job Description, and will include experience in a related ministry or non-profit management position, as well as being a committed christian involved in their local church. Because this position is the heart of who we are at HPC, we expect our new director to be committed to our values and be able to articulate and implement a vision for the future.


Q: What is the job commitment?

Because we are a small community, the position of our Executive Director is a part-time, salaried position, consisting of 80 hours per month. We ask, but do not require, a commitment of 2 years to the ministry. For details about compensation, please refer to the detailed Job Description


Q: How do I apply for this position?

We are looking forward to seeing your job application! Please download the detailed Job Description, Employment Application & Pastoral Reference Form. After reading and filling these out, please email them to or drop them at our center during business hours. 


If you have any questions, or are having difficulty downloading the needed documents, please contact us.

Convenient Location


538 Breeze St.
Craig CO 81625


Call & Text: (970) 824-5204

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